Problem-Solving Sociology

Problem-solving sociology uses sociological insights and ideas to solve social problems, and uses the solving of social problems to advance sociological theory.  See this brief introduction and this theoretical discussion, listen to a podcast, or order the book.

We currently run the following initiatives:

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Upcoming Events

(To share your work, sign up for the PSS Virtual Coffee Hour or the Problem-Solving Ethnography workshop.)

January 24, 2025 at 3pm EST

JHU Center on Solving Global Poverty Speaker series with Enrique Pumar

Seminar on Grantwriting

January 31, 2025 at 3pm EST

Virtual Coffee Hour with Gianpaolo Baiocchi and H. Jacob Carlson

How Dialogue becomes an Idea and then a Bill: Problem-Solving around Housing Decommodification in the US 

February 14, 2025 at 3pm EST

Virtual Coffee Hour with Miri Eliyahu

Industry Research and Global Development: A Different Perspective on Problem Solving

March 7, 2025 at 3pm EST 

Virtual Coffee Hour with Weiwei Lu

Toward a Narrative Paradigm of Problem-Solving: Exploring the Mutual Engagement of Physicians and Patients in Shared Decision-Making on Cancer Treatment

March 28, 2025 at 3pm EST

Virtual Coffee Hour with Melanie S. Brazzell

What Shape Does Democracy Take? Comparing Horizontal, Vertical, and Hybrid Social Movement Organizational Structures

Mirta Toledo, "Pure Diversity"